
Non-alcoholic steatosis disease of the liver (NAFLD) is a clinico-morphological concept. It occurs when accumulation of fats (triglycerides) is observed in at least 10% of
hepatocytes in people who do not consume toxic amounts of alcohol (630 ml spirits a week, 2100 ml of wine a week, or 4200 ml of beer a week). NAFLD includes steatosis, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, and cirrhosis. This is the most common cause for elevated serum aminotranspherases not associated with hepatitis viral infections. There is enough evidence to support the view that NASDL presents the liver manifestation of metabolic syndrome (4). In 1988, Reavon introduces the concept of "Syndrome X" to emphasize that insulin resistance and subsequent hyperinsultnemia predisposes patients to hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes mellitus and develops against the background of abdominal fat accumulation. Some other characteristics of the same syndrome are the presence of proinflammatory condition, microalbuminuria, and hypercoagulation. To assess this constellation, the term currently used is "metabolic syndrome" (MS).

Since times immemorial the fruits of aronia melanocarpa have been known for their medicinal properties. They have been used in the treatment of various diseases and have invariably shown effects which enhance the healing process. In non-traditional medical practices, aronia fruits have found application in the treatment of achlorhydria, cases of avitaminosis, during the re-convalescence stage of serious diseases, and, last but not least - in hemorrhoids treatment. Present-day research of pharmacological effects from aronia melanocarpa juice and fruits use indicate that their high contents of anthocyanins is closely related to the health enhancing properties typical of this plant. This is a key fact which can be used in the prevention of most commonly spread, socially significant diseases through reducing the total risk of cardio-vascular diseases, the lipidomodifying activity the plant shows, and the anti-mutagenic effects it demonstrates (9,2). The anthocyanins taken orally, and then finding their way to the gastro-intestinal tract are sensitive to the pancreas digestive medium which has an alkaline nature. The latter is associated to modification in the biopresence of anthocyanins. On the other hand, there is evidence that the nature of aglycons and saccharides is relevant to the chemical stability, absorption, and metabolism of anthocyanins. This is of major importance when defining their in vivo activity (16). In research employing people it is difficult to investigate for tissue biopresence (which is a well-studied area with experimental animals) of the anthocyanins taken - given the fact that they distribute and act on various sites considering the needs (15). The great molecular variety anthocyanins possess, the part they play in cells metabolism which is still being investigated, set the target to study the effects on the cells, tissues, and organs, as a response to the intake by following the adequate laboratory markers of cells and organs (Talbe 8)

Bulgaria is a country which has favourable climatic conditions, soil, and precipitation levels for the planting and growth of Aronia melanocarpa. Specifically, the sun-shine hours in our latitude allows for ripening of fruits having the highest contents of useful substances in comparison to other European countries (3). The beginning of biological growth of aronia melanocarpa in this country dates back to Table 8, Chemical composition of the fruit of aronia melanocarpa. 1995. The presence in Bulgaria of EC-certified bioproducers of aronia products (juice, fruit wine) has also impacted the decision to conduct this study.

The goal of the current study is to follow the effects of applying Dr. Barry Sears' "The Zone" Diet in combination with aronia melanocarpa juice intake on patients having laboratory, clinical, and sonographyc dates of liver  steatosis, as a representative of NAFLD.

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